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Z-suite Update V0.0.6 For Mac

1 min read When I released I had no idea it would get as much press as it did. I'm excited that so many people want to give it a shot. To that end, v0.0.6 v0.0.7 v0.0.8 has rudimentary Ubuntu support, along with revised Mac support. See below for the changes. Here's the list of changes: Process Management The first version of Dokuen used a LaunchDaemon to start up an instance of foreman for each application. This was fine but didn't scale very far.

Zortrax Z-Suite is a 3D modeling application for the M200 3D printer. Z-Suite generates a structure of supporting material, that is optimized to use the least filament while printing. Support option allows you to print most advanced models, in more efficient way.

This new version manages processes itself, using foreman more as a library. Each process becomes it's own daemon, launched by dokuen boot, dokuen scale, or dokuen deploy. Port Management Dokuen will now manage your app's ports for you, so you don't have to worry about it. If you're not using a wildcard CNAME you'll need to put entries in your hosts file for each app.

Revised Mac Install Because there's no need for a custom LaunchDaemon per app, just one global one that launches off all of the application daemons. Linux Support I've included a rudimentary ubuntu upstart script. All it does is run dokuen boot, just like on Mac. If you're not using ubuntu, feel free to write up an init script and submit a pull request on github.

I'm also loitering in #dokuen on freenode if you feel like chatting.

Z-suite Update V0.0.6 For Mac Windows 10

The Sims™ 3 Package Editor - v0.0.6 I'm a mac user, loving the sims3. I read some articles of wikisim2 about DBPF and write an alpha version of The Sims™ 3 Package Editor for Mac OS X. But the package format is still uncertain for me. I want to research more and more infomations about it, and share experience with everybody. Let's consummate it The Topic Contents 1.

Z-suite Update V0.0.6 For Mac

The logs of every updated version 2. Progress report 3. How to use, and receive the bugs and advices. The Development Progress The current version is only for Mac OS X. Language supported: English, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese I'm developing the creating, modifying, and saving operation now. The proposal is that we must unify the text format encode, because disordered encode may take some potential bugs, or let me work hardly to write the text edit functions. The 3D model display is in the plan.

There are four goals step by step: 1. Implement the creating operation recently 2. Continue to researching the DBPF v2 file format, add new supported type. Researching the relationships of each tag. Consummate it!

Please download it from the bottom. Update History + June 16th, 2009 v0.0.6 Can read the compressed data and extract item using decompress method.(thank Delphy ) This version will be the last version using this interface and operation.

I'll rewrite it for extracting & working more comfortably for the users. + June 14th, 2009 v0.0.5 Read-Write the DBPF file, fixed some potential bugs, extend the resource type database. NOTICE: Please your mod file first before you modify it. + June 12th, 2009 v0.0.1 This version is very simple, Read-Only the DBPF file, list all contents, and preview a little type(uncompressed xml, png, css). Some data have been compressed(tag 0xFFFF), I don't know how to decompress them to view. (just so so, 'Viewer'.) How To Use Open the application, use the Apple+O(NOT Zero ) to open a package file(.package,.sim3,.world) The browser will list all the items gourped by Group ID and Resource Type. Select an item to preview it.

If the item you selected is CSS, XML or other text format, the preview panel will display the full text in a text eidtor. If an image item has been selected, the panel will display the image data. Except text format, the panel will display an image to symbolize the item. You can drop the symbol and drag it out of the application, to release in somewhere (like destop or finder). You can also drag the item from the panel to another application for editing it, like this. Thanks for using, advising, and reporting bugs!

Thanks for guiding me to consummate it! Eh, for example, some resource type tag, this version only support xml, css, png type. And the compressed tag (if 0xFFFF), I don't kown how to uncompress the data to view.

Does the Group ID have some special meaning? What the relationship among the Group ID, the Instance Low the Instance High and so on? I want to know lots of infomation. The Save operation will done, but how to create a new empty package file, which the sims3 program can use it? I'm worry about that the game program can't recognize the file created. Upload.modthesims.info is not a download server.

Z-suite Update V0.0.6 For Mac Free

It's an upload server. Hence why downloading wont work from it Try actually clicking on the link in the first post. It works fine. Not sure why I kept middle-clicking. It's usually a habit to do so since I'm usually downloading lots and whatnot, and always 'thank the artist' on that forum topic. I think I need to stop drinking when I look at Sims stuff to prevent looking like a dumb-butt. Nice tool, I'll look forward to the day it can read the compressed xml files.

Btw, are you any good at cider-hacking? I had an idea for a replacement launcher that would allow the launching of windoze modding tools, by re-using the copy of cider bundled with the game. The user would be given a list of options to launch the game directly, launch the EA game-launcher, or launch any tools built for windoze that they had installed. However my limited experience of making custom cider packages is failing me, have they added security to cider now days?

How can I launch an arbitrary binary under cider? Nice tool, I'll look forward to the day it can read the compressed xml files.

Btw, are you any good at cider-hacking? I had an idea for a replacement launcher that would allow the launching of windoze modding tools, by re-using the copy of cider bundled with the game. The user would be given a list of options to launch the game directly, launch the EA game-launcher, or launch any tools built for windoze that they had installed. However my limited experience of making custom cider packages is failing me, have they added security to cider now days?

How can I launch an arbitrary binary under cider? Ah, this tool can read the compressed file since yesterday Wait for minutes, I'll build it and update it The cider, which sims3 used on mac, is still confusing to me. The Mac Sims3 even can't input any chinese charaters! Cleaning up save games?

Not expecting too many responses to this but I will ask anyway. I was looking for ways of cleaning up my save game in the same kind of way that Twallan described doing in this It wasn't until I had tried to download all of the tools that I realized was a windows program. I then tried to use mono to run it and failed (though I somehow managed to get dashboard to work) but yes, anyway, can I use this in sort of the same way as in the tutorial on Nraas for cleaning up the traveldb.package files etc?

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Thanks in advanced = -Auby.